ABSÈNCIA-PRESÈNCIA · International Konvent Residency · 4 x 30 m · Cal Rosal · Berga · 2019
Des de 1858 fins 1992 la fàbrica tèxtil, i el seu entorn, van estar en funcionament. És a través de les construccions que queden que podem percebre l’absència d’allò que va ser. I es que, no podríem percebre l’absència sense la presència. Aquesta presència són les edificacions que encara estan presents i que ens recorden que on ara hi ha“silenci” hi havia hagut so/soroll.
Quan parlem de silenci podem entrar en el terreny d’allò espiritual, de les intuïcions, de les experiències místiques i de la creació.
El terme absència prové del llatí absentia nom derivat del verb abesse. Si el descomponem, veiem que: Ab vol dir allunyament i Esse, significa ésser, estar. És a partir d’aquest allunyament de l’estar, del ser-hi en un espai concret, del que vaig partir per realitzar la intervenció.
El mural presenta un buit amb la forma del perímetre de la fàbrica i el convent de Cal Rosal (idea d'absència-presència), envoltat de formes orgàniques i plantes. Unes, inspirades en la vegetació de la zona i altres, inventades:
una fusió entre la planta del cotó i els tubs on s'enrotllava el fil que es feia a la fàbrica. M'he deixat dur per les vibracions de l'espai intervingut (molt inspirador), respectant-lo i tenint molt present la història de l'indret.
Quan parlem de silenci podem entrar en el terreny d’allò espiritual, de les intuïcions, de les experiències místiques i de la creació.
El terme absència prové del llatí absentia nom derivat del verb abesse. Si el descomponem, veiem que: Ab vol dir allunyament i Esse, significa ésser, estar. És a partir d’aquest allunyament de l’estar, del ser-hi en un espai concret, del que vaig partir per realitzar la intervenció.
El mural presenta un buit amb la forma del perímetre de la fàbrica i el convent de Cal Rosal (idea d'absència-presència), envoltat de formes orgàniques i plantes. Unes, inspirades en la vegetació de la zona i altres, inventades:
una fusió entre la planta del cotó i els tubs on s'enrotllava el fil que es feia a la fàbrica. M'he deixat dur per les vibracions de l'espai intervingut (molt inspirador), respectant-lo i tenint molt present la història de l'indret.
Photos by Daniel Nicolas
The textile factory and its surroundings were in operation from 1858 to 1992.
One can sense the absence of what it was by the remaining buildings, namely that we can’t perceive the absence without the presence. This presence is the existing buildings. They remind us that now, where one can feel the silence, there had once been activity. Moreover, when we refer to silence we could enter the realm of the spiritual, of intuitions, of mystical experiences and of creation.
The absentia word (derived from abesse verb) is the origin of the word absence, that comes from Latin. If we divide and analyse it, we find out that: Ab means distance and Esse means to be. So, the starting point of the painting (I made) was based in the concept of the distance of being, of being in a fixed place.
The mural shows an empty space with the silhouette of the ancient factory and the Cal Rosal convent (absence-presence idea), surrounded by organic shapes and vegetation. Some of the plants I painted were inspired by surrounding vegetation. Others were invented: a blending between the cotton plant and the tubes used to roller the thread made in the textile factory. I was carried away by the vibrations of the space where I painted (really inspirational), respecting it and thinking about the history of the place.
One can sense the absence of what it was by the remaining buildings, namely that we can’t perceive the absence without the presence. This presence is the existing buildings. They remind us that now, where one can feel the silence, there had once been activity. Moreover, when we refer to silence we could enter the realm of the spiritual, of intuitions, of mystical experiences and of creation.
The absentia word (derived from abesse verb) is the origin of the word absence, that comes from Latin. If we divide and analyse it, we find out that: Ab means distance and Esse means to be. So, the starting point of the painting (I made) was based in the concept of the distance of being, of being in a fixed place.
The mural shows an empty space with the silhouette of the ancient factory and the Cal Rosal convent (absence-presence idea), surrounded by organic shapes and vegetation. Some of the plants I painted were inspired by surrounding vegetation. Others were invented: a blending between the cotton plant and the tubes used to roller the thread made in the textile factory. I was carried away by the vibrations of the space where I painted (really inspirational), respecting it and thinking about the history of the place.